The articles submitted by the authors are initially screened by Editor-in-Chief to check if the article complies with journals’ Aims & Scope and the quality of the article.
If these parameters are fulfilled, the editor invites at least 2 suitably qualified peer-reviewers to judge the quality of the work and suitability for publication.
Peer-review on International Journal of Modern Developments in Engineering and Science is Single-blinded.
Single-blind: Editors and reviewers have access to the authors’ names and institutions, however, the identities of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors.
After the reviews are received, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript. If the paper has problems that can be corrected, the authors will be asked to revise the manuscript in response to the referees’ and editor’s comments. Authors are expected to return a revised manuscript within 4 – 8 weeks and the paper may be sent to referees again to judge if their comments have been adequately addressed. Once a manuscript is accepted, some minor additional editing may be required before publication.
The Journal strives to arrive at a decision promptly, but the most usual cause of delays is the availability of expert reviewers. If a lack of reviews is slowing down the process, the authors may be asked to suggest additional reviewers.